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Our center is the premier clinical center in Northern California specializing in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and complementary clinical services. Through providing the highest quality treatment interventions, professional development, and cutting-edge research in the world, we are committed to assisting people who are seeking healing and growth. Our multidisciplinary team of clinicians and researchers is at the forefront of the budding field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.

Our mission is to share our unique clinical expertise and ongoing research as we refine new, safe, and effective treatment methods that help our clients and communities find relief and thrive.

Shop our large  selection of psychedelics and get the best treatment and advices from our team.

We ship worldwide based on the fastest service for your location. Our deliveries are 100% anonymous, benefiting from diplomatic transport to your address. As soon as the payment is made, you will benefit from a tracquing number allowing you to control the routing of your package in real time.

We offer a 7-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee

Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy offers new hope for healing and personal transformation to those experiencing significant mental health challenges. Our expert team of doctors and therapists is at the forefront of the field.

What We Treat


Even in cases where other treatments have not helped, Ketamine-Assisted Therapy can provide long-term relief from both unipolar and bipolar depression.

Anxiety & OCD

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for anxiety and OCD. If you’re looking for relief, we can help.

Traumatic Stress

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is a short-term, intensive treatment that can provide lasting relief from PTSD. All of our therapists are trauma-informed and available to provide trauma treatment with or without ketamine.

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3838 Hollis St, Emeryville, CA 94608, United States

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